Thinking Thursdays TIPs

Closeup on mother with baby thanking pediatrician doctor for examination

It Pays to be Hospitable: in Healthcare and in Life

Creating a culture of service excellence that goes beyond ‘good customer service’ is all about being hospitable. Having spent my entire professional life in two service industries; the airlines and healthcare, using ‘hospitable’ to describe a customer-centered, service-oriented culture is Read More

Portrait of smilling senior doctor of medicine in his ordination

Acute Access: Phone-Tag is Not the Answer

While four years have passed since its publication (in the healthcare industry that seems like a decade or more), our list of eight (8) essential practices for creating an exceptional patient experience is still entirely relevant today. What has changed Read More

young asian business man showing thumb up while sitting in a cafe and working with laptop.

Turn Patient Dissatisfaction Into Trust and Assurance

Turning Dissatisfaction Into Trust & Assurance Last week we unpacked the unique opportunity of strengthening the patient-provider relationship by monitoring feedback consistently and responding quickly. In his blog, “Service Recovery: Turn Unhappy Customers Into Loyal Fans,” author Harsh Vardhan writes, Read More

Portrait of a happy patient smiling and looking at the camera

Patients Typically Start With Google Reviews Before Choosing a Healthcare Provider

Social Proof Last week we began discussing the topic of your healthcare facility’s Google reviews and how to leverage your satisfied patients to improve your online reputation. Google really has become our one-stop-shop for basically all information these days: directions Read More