Last week we kicked-off MedicalGPS’ service improvement program, Endeavor for Excellence: Start Where the Patient Starts (E4E). If you missed last week’s announcement, which included steps #1 and #2 to get started, click here to get the ball rolling.
Starting with this online-guided redeployment, MedicalGPS is offering the E4E content to you, free of charge, through a series of YouTube videos complemented by MedicalGPS’ blog posts.
Feel free to use some or all of MedicalGPS’ E4E content to aid you and your team as you endeavor to reach new levels of service excellence for your physician practice(s). Please know that E4E is copyrighted as MedicalGPS intellectual property, as such, we ask that you give credit to MedicalGPS whenever you use or share E4E content with your colleagues.
Step #3: Completing the E4E “Before” Best Practices Checklist
There are 26 Best Practices that aid physician practices in creating and sustaining a culture of service excellence. The use of our 26 Best Practices has proven to be a key element of success and correlates to practices obtaining higher levels of customer service.
Step #3 of the E4E process includes establishing baseline measures, before any changes have been made to workflow, operating policies, or procedures. Please click here to download a PDF version of the E4E Best Practices along with instructions regarding how to score your practice.
After you have established the “before” E4E Best Practice baseline, as you and your team move forward with the E4E process there will be an opportunity to compare before and after scores.
After you have downloaded and reviewed the E4E “before” checklist, if you have questions, please feel free to leave your questions in the comment section below and someone from MedicalGPS will get back to you.
We look forward to working with you and your team.